研报:欧洲外汇和债券市场表面上风平浪静 背后呢?



  来源:市川新田三丁目 市川新田三丁目 

  译者  王为


  Europe‘s Calm FX, Bond Markets Masking Anxiety?

  By Erik Norland

  The Eurozone economy stalled in the fourth quarter of 2019 after seven years of recovery, dragged by a contraction in France and Italy, stagnation in Germany and the European Central Bank (ECB) holding firm to negative interest rates at -0.4% even as core inflation hovered just below 1% at the end of last year.


  And that was before COVID-19. The region’s economy is now widely expected to shrink by 4% to 8% in 2020 and budgets that were close to being balanced overall in 2019 are widely expected to show deficits of 20% or more of GDP this year as spending surges and tax revenues dwindle. The ECB, meanwhile, has ventured deeper into negative-rate territory, cutting rates to -0.5%.


  Despite these challenges, European markets have reacted with relative aplomb.  European equity markets have risen although somewhat below the performance of their US counterparts, while the euro (EUR) and the European bond market have been remarkably stable (Figures 1 and 2).  Italian and Spanish bond spreads have widened but so far nothing akin to the 2009-2012 period has happened.


  Figure 1: With the US and Europe in a similar position, EURUSD has shown little reaction to COVID-19


  Figure 2: Compared to 2009-12, European bonds have been cool, calm and collected


  That Eurozone bonds have been stable is remarkable.  Not only have bond holders had to contend with dramatically deteriorating fiscal conditions across the currency zone, but, on May 5, Germany’s Constitutional Court upheld several complaints against the ECB’s Public Sector Purchase Program (PSPP), which is the main vehicle used by ECB to prevent a widening of bond yield spreads between the debt of various Eurozone members.  For its part, the ECB responded by saying that it was under the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice and not national courts.


  At the very least, this controversy reminds investors of the Eurozone’s unique set up:  it has a common currency but 19 different national fiscal policies.  Lacking a common fiscal policy, Eurozone members are supposed to adhere to certain rules including:


  • Fiscal deficits must not exceed 3% of GDP.  In 2019, every Eurozone member met that criteria, but from 2008-2014 many, and in some years, most did not.  Following the pandemic, it may take many years for member states to reign in deficit spending to within the 3% range.

  • 一国的预算赤字占本国GDP的比率不超过3%。2019年各成员国均达标,但在2008-2014期间很多成员国没有达标,同时在某些年份里大多数成员国均没有达标,新冠疫情的爆发可能会导致各成员国需要很多年的时间才能重新将预算赤字控制在GDP的3%以内。

  • Gross government debt must not exceed 60% of GDP.  As of Q3 2019, only two Eurozone countries, Finland (59% public debt/GDP) and the Netherlands (49%) met that criteria – although Germany and Ireland were close (61% and 63%, respectively).  Meanwhile, Austria’s public sector debt was 71% of GDP; Belgium, France and Spain were close to 100%, Portugal was at 120%, Italy just below 140% and Greece nearly 180%.

  • 一国的政府债务总量不能超过本国GDP的60%。2019年3季度,只有两个成员国该项指标合格,芬兰为59%,荷兰为49%,其他两个比较接近的国家为——德国61%,爱尔兰63%。此外,奥地利的公共债务占GDP的比率为71%,比利时、法国和西班牙的比率将近100%,葡萄牙为120%,意大利略低于140%,希腊则将近180%。

  It’s largely the ECB bond-buying program, the result of former ECB President Mario Draghi’s promise in 2012 to do “whatever it takes” to keep the eurozone together, that has prevented a substantial expansion of intra-country spreads.  Nevertheless, the European bond investors shrugged off the German court’s ruling.  For the moment, the ECB appears likely to continue absorbing a large portion of the debt issuance of the Eurozone’s member states.


  Even so, at some level investors must be worried.  In the US or UK, for example, there is one sovereign debt issuer and one central bank to manage the currency and the debt markets.  In the Eurozone, there are 19 separate government debt issues and one supranational central bank.  In this regard, the Eurozone doesn’t really have a sovereign debt market at all but rather a public debt market that looks more like the municipal debt market in the US.  However, unlike US States and municipalities, which normally have to balance their budget, Eurozone nations usually run deficits and can accumulate enormous debt relative to the size of their economies.  Indeed, this is why the ECB’s bond-buying program sometimes raises opposition from inflation and budget deficit hawks: they see ECB buying of individual country debt as being a backdoor path to debt mutualization and a common fiscal policy.


  Despite the hit to the economy and political controversies in Europe, on the surface, EURUSD options markets, like the Eurozone government bond market, are also relatively calm.  Implied volatility on EURUSD at-the-money (ATM) options spiked from 4% to 15% in March during an incipient dollar-funding crisis at the nadir of the equity market selloff.  However, after the Federal Reserve stepped in, providing dollar liquidity and swap lines, currency option volatility returned to its 2012-2019 average levels.  Moreover, at the peak of volatility in March, EURUSD 30-Day ATM implied volatility was only halfway to where it peaked in 2008 and 2009 (Figure 3).


  Figure 3: On the surface, the EURUSD options market looks relatively calm.


  Below the relatively calm surface in the EURUSD options ATM price, currency option traders are clearly anxious. This nervousness becomes apparent when one takes a deeper dive into the EURUSD options market’s pricing, examining two other aspects of the options market:


  1. Skewness: how implied volatility of out-of-the-money (OTM) put and call options varies across different strike prices.


  2. Volumes: how much of each option is trading across different strike prices.


  Rather than a traditional normal-distribution-like peak in the possible outcomes for EURUSD, we see a flat, broad top with a bump on the left-hand side. This reflects substantial buying of both put and call options away from the money with some traders especially nervous about extreme downside for EUR. This doesn’t mean that extreme downside (or upside) moves will materialize in real life, but investors apparently see the Eurozone as being under a great deal of stress and, to a greater-than-usual extent, they are buying a lot of downside put protection and some upside call protection as well (Figure 4).

  欧元/美元汇率期权的回报分布并不像传统的正态分布形态那样会出现一个明显的峰值,其顶部区域比较平缓宽阔,并偏向左侧。这种回报率分布形态说明价外看涨期权和价外看跌期权的买入需求都很多,其中一些交易员尤为担心欧元汇率会出现极端的下跌。这并不意味着欧元汇率极端的涨跌一定会成为现实,但投资者很显然认为欧元区面临巨大的压力,因此比以往更加积极地买入看跌期权防止欧元汇率下跌,同时也在买入一些看涨期权防备欧元汇率上升,见下图4 。

  Figure 4: Taking protection on the downside, and upside too.


  Bottom Line


  • On the surface, European markets appear calm

  • 表面上看,欧洲金融市场还算平静

  • Under the surface, investors are buying protection against extreme EURUSD moves

  • 背地里,投资者却在采取避险手段防止欧元/美元的汇率出现极端波动

  • With ECB bond buying, intra-European bond spreads have not widened much

  • 在欧洲央行的购债举措保障下,欧元区内各国国债收益率之间的利差没有出现大涨




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